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Platform: Dreamcast
Release Date: 1999
Players: 1 – 2 local split screen
Publisher: Genki
What the box says..
Throw down against road rivals in Point Battle Mode, customise your import dream ride in Quest Mode, or choose Versus Mode to got head-to-head at a blistering 60 frames per second in Tokyo Highway Challenge
System: Sega Dreamcast
Players: 1-2
Race Controller Compatible
Vibration Pack Compatible

What about the game?
Although it’s predecessor was on the PS1 – Tokyo Highway Battle (YouTube link) that was a game that I never knew existed, Tokyo Highway Challenge on the Dreamcast was one of those games that looked sharp and fluid. I remember back in 2000 getting into the game, at first it was very challenging and lots of frustrating battles lost due to cars beating me easily and in part the handling which takes a while to get to grips with.
However as you gain credits (even losing you get a bit) and slowly you’ll start to win races, the highway is littered with racing gangs, who all bear the team mark. Each team has a leader or boss, and they have a unique car both in terms of looks and performance, once you start eliminating the team members, eventually the team boss shows up to give you a taste of your own medicine. Expect to get beat a few times until you upgrade your machine, these guys can be a tough adversaries.
The game plays in 60 fps and holds up well as a retro game in the mid 2020’s, I’m a big fan of this series, right up to the new Tokyo Extreme Racer recently released on Steam. Tokyo Highway challenge takes a unique spin on racing and if your a JDM fan and gamer , you owe it to yourself to give this a spin!

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