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Platform : 3DO
Release Date: 1995
Media: CD Rom
Players: 1
Publisher: Crystal Dynamics

What the box says..
Deathdrome champion or roadkill? You Decide.
It’s 2044 A.D. and they just dropped the big one. Anybody who didn’t try knows the rules – shoot first. Loot Later.
Now’s your chance to take it out on the highway, speed-shift against six trash-talking psychos. The only way to shut ’em up is to blow ’em up.
Powder burns guaranteed.
What about the game? a brief review..
The 3DO had some good hits on the system, this wasn’t one that I bought back in the day.. It didn’t appeal at a price of £39.99. Surprising as it is a Crystal Dynamics game and they had some success and interesting games on the 3DO, Gex , Off World Interceptor, Samurai Shodown.
Crash n’ Burn is a 3D racer where you choose from 6 racers who have to participate in a race where destruction of your opponents is the key, there are several different vehicles to race all with a unique look and characteristics.
When you start the game you’ll have to choose a character, then choose from 5 tracks. Your vehicle has limited amount of ammunition, so it has to be used wisely. The tracks have a variety of different surfaces during the race, asphalt, sand, water, etc..
2 views are available in a race, through the cockpit (better for aiming) or behind the vehicle. There’s no much to talk a bout the handling – it’s very simplified. Whilst playing you’ll have to avoid taking damage from other CPU players, at the same time dodging mines and the wrecks of destroyed opponents.
The sound effects aren’t great, music is a looped track, however the 3D graphics aren’t bad for the era , maintaining a smooth frame rate 30FPS? Its one of those games that you’ll probably play once and forget about. Although it’s a little unfair to draw comparison to modern games, as the 3DO never had time to mature as often we find the longer a systems retail life the more optimised the games become. What do you think for its era is it total tat, or average for the year 1993?

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