Carrier Command

Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360

Players – 1

What the Box Says..

not much its in Spanish!

What about the game?

Quirky , weird, strange games that’s usually what I like the most. Carrier Command Gaea Mission is just one game that I thoroughly enjoy playing. If your an old fart like me and you owned an amiga you would remember a game that had the same name Carrier Command at the time was ground-breaking, in fact I remember reading about the game in Edge magazine in the 90’s and being a 3D game it piqued my interest. At launch that game turned out to be much harder than expected, so I never really put much time or effort into.

The game is what I had been waiting for , a similar concept to the original but for the modern Xbox 360 console, I remember those days spent in Gamestation looking through all the new releases and instantly eyeing up this game, which I bought.

I’ve spent a lot of hours playing this game and I can tell you its a progressive game, where you start with a barely functioning ship but as you capture more islands your ship will be repaired and upgraded.

There are two base units for combat which are the walrus, an amphibious tank and the Manta a VTOL fighter, these can either be orders or take command of a unit directly during combat. Capturing islands isn’t the end as each island captured can produce resources for upgrades, building units and progression through the game.

In short Carrier Command is a quirkily fun little action strategy game.

