Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360
Release Date: 2008
Players: 1
System Link – 2-16
Online: 2-50 multiplayer
What the box says..
The Battle for resources in the near future pushes the frontlines further than ever before.
Engage in combat that concentrates you and your friends on one united front for explosive action and heart-stopping excitement. Choose a side and join your troops on the frontlines for the most intense multiplayer experience of all time

What about the game?
Frontlines – Fuel of War, a 1st person shooter based in a future, following the storyline of wars over resources (hmm sounsds like RL..) .
When the Call of Duties were dropping in stores and the masses flocked online to play COD, another 1st shooter faded into the distance. So back in 2008 I bought this game new as the game looked interesting and had a large on-line capability of 50 players, like the earlier Battlefield Modern Combat games on the OG Xbox had good sized maps.
Frontlines is a squad-based 1st person shooter, set in a military campaign where world powers are fighting over oil reserves, you start at insertion point and will have to fight your way through the map capturing of destroying objectives on the way.
An arsenal of weapons awaits you along the way and opportunity to control some pretty cool drones (for 2008!) and multi-crew vehicles all which you will need to progress through the level.
Frontlines plays with a idea similar to the likes of Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 and Quake : Emeny Territory, there’s probably similar games as well so worth looking around. Both single and multiplayer games play the same way, with a sewn on story for the single player experience.
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