What is the point of collecting old physical games?
For me It’s a hope that one day I can enjoy one of my hobbies in retirement, but that date seems to get longer way, instead of closer?
It got me thinking , I should start playing them now, I need motivation so documenting them here and recording the game on YouTube has become my goal.
I would like to actually say what a game in my collection is like so if somebody asks my thoughts on a game, I have an opinion to give. It’s good a reason to have all these games expand my knowledge, instead of collecting dust!
I hope you discover your next game here, right now there are not many but eventually there will be over 1,800 games here in the future.
Rogue Trooper
Crash ‘n Burn
Tokyo Highway Challenge
Red Dead Revolver
Space Hulk – Vengeance of the Blood Angels
Wrath Unleashed
Max Payne 2
Omerta City of Gangsters
Waverace: Blue Storm
Alone in the Dark
A-Train HX
Sonic Plus Mega Collection
Dropship: United Peace Force
Sega GT2002
Sega Megadrive (Genesis) Ultimate Collection
Carrier Command
Crash Time 4
Need for Speed: The Run
The Outfit
Terminator Dawn of Fate
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Score Baja 1000 Off Road Championship
007 Quantum of Solace
Duck Tales Remastered
Binary Domain
Star Fox Assault
Frontlines – Fuel of War
Gauntlet Legends
Star Wars Jedi Power Battles
Dust off 2 – Heli Rescue
Horizon Chase Turbo
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
Serious Sam
Star Wars : Obi-wan
Family Guy