Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360

Players – 1

What the Box Says..


Master furious Ninja skills
Collect spells and leash ancient Kuji magic
Possess all animals
Stop time
Control the powers of nature.
Restore harmony to the world

Microsoft Xbox360 - Mini Ninjas Gameplay Video

What about the game?

I missed Mini Ninjas completely back when the Xbox360 was in full swing, I don’t remember even picking up the game and looking at the case during that period.. Which now seems a shame, having played it I quite fancy to finish the game and beat it.

It seems to be a very well polished game with an original story to it, it sees you as the main Hero (Hiro!) embarking on a quest initially to free his friends and presumably later on in the story ridding the world of the Samurai Warlord.

This game plays smoothly and the controls are easy to pick up, it offers some quite unusual abilities for Hiro and makes for an interesting game, at least for the 45 minutes I played it for.

join me on YouTube for my first encounter with Mini Ninjas on the Xbox 360..

