Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360

Media: DVD ROM

Players – 1 Local
Online Multiplayer 2 to 16
Online Co-op – 2 to 4

What the box says.. TOP GUN HARD LOCK: LOCK ON TO THE RUSH. Top Gun Hard Lock is aerial dog-fighting at jet speeds 14 playable planes including the iconic F-14 Tomcat and F-22 Raptor Full off spectacular manoeuvres in hard lock, pushing yourself higher than ever before Engaging single player campaign with 15 death defying missions Online multiplayer for up to 16 players

What about the game?

I’ve always like a good flight combat game, but mostly I find that the games can be a little over complicated and takes time to get into a decent game, sometimes I don’t have that time spare to play the game in depth.

I had of course tried Afterburner Climax, that is insane fast and hard, feels like a button mashing episode gone into overdrive! needless to say it was a difficult and harrowing experience!

Until recently going through the collection of Xbox 360 games on the shelf I decided to try games that I have never played, one of those picked was Top Gun Hardlock, a game I picked a couple of years ago.

I actually think I found my favourite arcade flight combat game! whilst no where near a flight sim, the combat is paced right and even though the hardlock is a quick time event its so seamless and cleverly done it feels cinematic whilst still fully being in the action of the dogfight.

The game sets you in the Persian gulf as rookie pilot named Spider when on a routine patrol they come under attack…