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Platform: Xbox Original
(Backwards Compatible on the Xbox360)
Release Date: 2004
Players: 1 – 4 local split screen
What the box says..
Be warned, this is not a mere battle of brawn. In this world, war must be waged with a wary hand. Journey from land to land, battle to battle as you deftly command your army of demons, centaurs and dragons. Exploit their strengths, mind their weaknesses. Slash, claw and slay your way to power – unleash your wrath. Cast magic spells. Pit Darkness against light. Bend fire, wind, and water to you will, and ultimately dominate the world. 32 Fantastical Creatures from four unique realms . Accessible multiplayer for up to 4 players. Move your Army across the map to secure and eventually dominate the entire battle field. one-on-one arena style fighting with special attacks and combo moves. Platform

What about the game?
Turn based strategy games aren’t always popular amongst the main stream gamers, but there is enough niche players who would have appreciated this game back in the original Xbox’s prime time, myself included in that equation. I still crave games from many decades ago, starting with my absolute favourite strategy game from the 80’s home computer the ZX Spectrum and that particular game was Chaos – the battle of the Wizards – I still play this today.
This game does have some of the simplistic but important ingredients from Chaos, which includes different creatures, magic spells, and the turn based gameplay, however unlike your normal strategy game there is a arcade fight sequence, akin to a simple streetfighter-esque 1:1 battle which will introduce a level of skill to overcome your opponent. This moves away from your army just simply winning by stats alone, the game wants you to win a fair fight using some degree of skill. And this is a fun to learn part of the game, challenging yes, but ultimately rewarding.
Fans of this genre of game that being mythical creatures, wizards and magic will like the challenge this game presents, a hybrid of strategy and actual gameplay skill will be a test in itself, but let me add that Wrath Unleashed will also require you to finish each level in a certain amount of rounds, so my wary wizards make sure you plan your moves with the upmost care to win the battle!

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